Friday, October 28, 2011

One month left

One month left in Charleston.

My sub-lease ends on November 19. I can stay until the end of November if I need to, but I don't think I'll be staying here anymore.

The job search is not going well. I thought more avenues would have opened up by now, but I feel like I'm just wasting my time serving when I should be doing something.... more..... better.... something with a purpose. Something like what I was doing at my internships. Designing, writing, editing, taking photos, running events....

I think I have to expand the search.

Looking in North and South Carolina is not getting me what I want.

I hear there are a lot of jobs in Texas. (what constitutes "a lot"?) (compared to MI, anywhere is has a lot)

I talked to Kathy (a friend in MI) who says I should go anywhere it's sunny. I need the sun. The overcast days in Michigan made me so depressed. It's so much easier to get out of bed when it's sunny. That's why I always loved visiting L.A.

When the sun is shining, I feel so much more capable.

And really, I need all of the confidence I can muster.

Something that makes me smile: is an awesome site where people post pictures of love letters that they leave anonymously for strangers. Who doesn't need a love letter? Genius!

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