I've been slacking in the writing area. Not just here.... in my personal journal too. I don't think I've written since I got back to Michigan.
I figured I had nothing to write about now that my big adventure of moving off on my own epically failed. Everyone keeps telling me that it wasn't a failure. Let me tell you, no matter how many people say that, it still feels like one because I had to come back home. I didn't make enough money to support myself.
It makes me feel like a failure.
I need to change my attitude and trust in the Lord. I believe that He loves me, and He has good things in store for me. Why do I question His choices? He knows what is best for me.... even when I think I know better. That is the thing with humans.... we always think we know best.
But God is not human. We cannot begin to comprehend how He works. And that is why He is so amazing. So my questioning my life and everything right now is really me having a lack of faith.
Then I feel ashamed, for I believe in God the Father, and in Jesus, his son, and in the Holy Spirit. I believe in a God who is good.... and that He loves me. So how, HOW, can I, a simple human, question what God has planned, and what path my life takes?
This is getting to a point of ranting... or was a long time ago.
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